The founder LiseMa lived 11 years in Dubai, and ran his own company there for 7 years. The business idea was to represent primarile Norwegian companies as their Company Representative and not only their agent. We now want to taket his concept to Norway, introducing your product to the Norwegian market, and neighbouring countries as your Company Representative.


Tel. +47 97 58 35 70

LiseMa Invest AS
Org nr 993 430 196

Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 7A
4021 Stavanger

LinkedIn Profile

After identifying the market potential, we introduce your product by
• Set up meetings
• Conduct the meetings. It is vital to understand what your customer is asking for and if necessary to guide them, introducing new applications for instance. That will normally require some technical training with the principal
• Our goal is to be able to do a proper technical presentation, and fly in personell from the Principal during heavy technical presentations or during Bid Clarificatione Meeetings
• Create meeting report

Follow up, by
• Prequalify your product when necessary, and thus make sure you are on the tender list
• Obtain the tender papers
• assist you in the quotation process and during Bid Clarification Meetings

LiseMa expects that you are prepared to answer any technical clarifications from the end user during the bid evaluation period. This is vital to suceed

Norway has been blessed with a lot of natural resources, such as Oil & Gas, Hydro Power and Fisheries. we have to live with harsh weather conditions, really testing your equipment.

However, succeeding in the Norwegian market is very rewarding.